Frustrating Run

Good Morning.

I had one of those runs that was just not so great this morning.


After I woke up I ate 1/2 of a Power bar ,and drove to the lake where I earned my new distance record last week. I already knew the run would be a little tougher than usual because my legs were tight from all of the strength training I did at the gym yesterday. Well, it was pretty bad, I thought about stopping at least 4 times. I felt like my body = a ton of metal. The combination of the heat, my sore muscles, and a stomach ache seriously slowed me down and I finished 3 miles in just under 30 minutes. This is probably the slowest 3 miles time I have gotten since I started running regularly. I was bummed and it put a pretty big damper on my mood.

But then I reminded myself:

  • Not every run is perfect
  • At least I got out there and ran
  • I didn’t stop
  • It was still an awesome workout
  • It will be better next time


Breakfast this morning was pretty yummy. I made a veggie scrambled egg bowl. For a normal person it would be a veggie scrambled omelet, but I am never capable of keeping it an omelet, and just give up and result to scrambled eggs!

To make it I cut up some veggies, added some cheese, cooked it on the stove, and topped it off with some avocado.


  • 1/4 orange pepper
  • 1 large mushroom
  • A little bit of cut up onion
  • 1 cut up Light Baby Bell Cheese
  • 3 egg whites, 1 egg
  • A couple slices of avocado

It looked prettier when it was cooking than when it was done.


But, it tasted SO good :).


At least my yummy breakfast made up for my not so great run, right?

I’m off to go shopping, but I’ll leave you with a picture of Spanky since his adorable face hasn’t graced the blog with it’s presence in a few days.
